Monday, May 11, 2009

Skills, Exploration and Missions.

I finally broke the 2M SP mark. With Survey V just a bit over 1 day to go I'll be done with Hacking II by Wednesday night. I'll be increasing the Astrometric Acquisition, Pinpointing and Rangefinding to III to help me zero-in on those tough explorations sites. I've been frustrated a couple of times with spots that I can't get to 100%. After that I have a couple of drones skills to queue before the 11 days that it takes for Electronic Upgrades V needed for Hacking.

I've been reading about exploration lately. I was happy to find out that the spots randomly spawn across the EVE universe and is not the same spot every time. If the spots were the same on some predictable time table, I would probably would never see any since they would be likely taken by the time I log. Knowing that this is completely random made me really happy. So far I've been able to scan 2 w-holes and 3 rat areas. I've been frustrated by a couple of spots that I couldn't get to 100%. I think is a good start. My first w-space experience was nothing to write about since I was without a probe inside and didn't know how to use the D-Scanner at that time. The second experience was much *better*. I was able to find a very busy sleeper are, but unfortunately they weren't too happy to see me. I got destroyed in no time. The way that they react and attack is very different from the normal rats/drones I've found in my missions. I look forward to more w-space adventures in the future.

The missions have me a bit frustrated. I've found tons of good websites with info, but I still have plenty of questions about them. I keep doing some now and then since they are a steady income for a new player with almost no risk.

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