Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm about to do what I haven't done before in any previous MMO. Open a second account.

When I shared this with some of my RL friends they laughed. "Why?" they asked. After playing other MMOs I never felt the urge to do it, but now only after 2 months of EVE I have to do it.

Looking back only EVE has the depth that requires multiple accounts. FFXI allowed me to play any of the "jobs" available and since a secondary job is required for any character having a second account made you "weaker". The bigger the variety of jobs on your toon the better. In WoW a lot of people dual-box to help leveling, but I never had a problem with that. For the must part the game is solo-able. WoW also has a HUGE emphasis in reputation. Playing with another toon meant not gaining the so needed reputation.

EVE, as in FFXI, allows you to be anything you want to be. The limit is the time it takes to achieve that. From early on I knew what I wanted to do with Dante Styx. After reading different stories from Marlenus and Kirith I envision him on a HAC, part of a small fleet (2 or 3 other players) going to w-space and exploring all those hacking, archaeology and combat sites. I want him to be able to pilot an Eos for level-4 and 5 missions in regular space and a Kronos for fleet vs fleet battle. Yah, I know that I can probably do all this in one ship, but what fun is that? :)

Then I found Letrange's blog and got interested in Industry. Specifically the T2 production. The entire thing of reverse engineering, invention and production made me very curious of it. Since Dante's plan currently takes 200+ days to complete I was faced with two options. Either change the plan and introduce other skills to do some industry or have an alt.

I opted for the second. I installed the game last night on a second machine at home. I'll be buying the game from my local gamestop tonight.

For starters I'll be doing a miner skill plan. A RL friend started a month after me and has been doing only the mining side (just recently started the epic arc missions). My wallet has not seen more than 20M at one time, while he has seen 100M+. My idea is to have him do mining only while he trains for all the industry stuff that I plan to do after. I haven't done any EVEMon for him yet, but I think that after 2 weeks I should be in a Retriever.

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