Monday, May 11, 2009

Catching up with RSS.

RL has hit me hard in the last 2 weeks. I've been busy at work as well as around the house, so the little time I have I spend playing EVE or researching about it. Today I caught up with the different blogs I follow. Let me point some of the interesting things (at least for me) that were posted in the last couple of weeks.

- EVE 6th year celebration. WOW! Six years. That is very impressive. You can't think of a lot of games that have been around this long that look as good and are as fun as this game. Yes you have EQ still around after 10 years, but it looks 10 years old. CCP has done an incredible job on keeping this game looking great after all this time. I hope that the time they are spending on the ambulation feature doesn't take from them putting out new ships and better gfx.

- 300K+ subscribers. Not only this game looks amazing after all these years, but it is still pulling new subscribers (like me!). CCP recently reported breaking the 300k mark making them the biggest MMO in America (just behind WoW). For it to be bigger than new titles (like WAR or AoC) is an accomplishment on its own. When you add to that the fact that this is a sci-fi title and not another fantasy MMO is even more impressive. Grats EVE!

- Kirith (from Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah) finally has his Nightmare class battleship. I've been following Kirith's blog for months now and I'm really happy for him. Its an amazing ship. Grats!

- The latest Blog Banter had CrazyKinux asking people what 3 things they haven't done in EVE which they would like to do in the future. The responses to the Banter along with Xiphos post title Will i ever be done training? made me think about my future in EVE. So many options!! I had a group of short-medium goals, but nothing on the long run. I played in EVEMon for a while and even after putting what I though was a LOT of stuff I ended up only with 10 Million or so skill points! LOL. The sky definitely sounds like the limit here.

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