Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NER. E3 comments.

NER=Non EVE Related. Yes, I came up with a new acronym. I haven't seen it before, so I'm saying "copyright"! :)

As a video game fan I always keep an eye on whats coming soon. I was really happy with the games showcased in this year E3.

The top two games of the show (at least for me) were:
Not that they needed more hype, but Bioware commissioned Blur Studios to make this amazing cinematic trailer. I haven't played any Star Wars game in any console or PC, but this may change in the future.

The FFXIV took me completely by surprise. I know that a project named Rapture was in the works and knew about this concept video, but I was definitely not expecting this trailer from SquareEnix. FFXI was great, but it had tons of limitations and problems. If SE delivers properly this could be a game that can pull me back to the world of fantasy. We'll see.

I'm also a Rock Band fan, so I was happy to see Rock Band Beatles trailer. Now if Jimmy Page would change his mind and negotiate with Harmonix. :)

A future EVE competitor was there, but I really don't care for Jumpgate at all. Click if you care to see the E3 trailer.

There were tons of other games, but I really don't play anything else that isn't an MMO these days (Rock Band being the exception). I was a bit disappointed that there were no updates for Lego Universe.

1 comment:

  1. I am deliciously excited about the potential of Bioware to put out another KOTOR that has all the appeal of the original RPGs for XBOX but the shine of an MMO.

    Nothing could ever replace EVE for me, but having a night of the week I can kick around with a light saber or blaster rifle would be...

    ^(o.O)^ <(O.o)> <(O.O)< ^(o.o)^ >(o.O)>

    Worth a Kirby dance!
