Thursday, December 17, 2009

The best deal.

I've been looking at the market prices for an Ishtar. They have been very steady in the 130-135M range. I can buy it now, but getting it with all the modules will put a dent in my wallet. Today I decided to look at Contracts (I guess that only noobs like me don't start there) and found unbelievable deals. The problem is that they look too good. For example, there is an Ishtar with everything I can think of (even a big combination of races/shapes tech 2 drones) for almost the same price an Ishtar alone is going in the market.

I wonder if these incredible prices are just a way for pirate corps to lure pilots like me. We go looking for a great deal and as soon as we leave the station with our new ship we get a quick trip back to the clone bay.

I guess I'll find out soon enough since these prices are worth the risk.


  1. Sometimes that is the case, sometimes they put it in a 0.0 station you cannot dock in as well. But it's also cheaper on contracts sometimes as well. Plus you can take some support to pew pew right back :)

  2. hmm.. I have to admit that I didn't think about the "can't dock" option. Very sneaky. Thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely make certain to dot all the i's and cross all t's before purchasing from a contract.
