Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Providence and CVA.

Rixx Javix (EVEOGANDA) published a very interesting editorial about CVA. Rixx was part of LFA's alliance when the Catch's invasion started. As I said before, I hold not grudge against CVA. I was not part of CVA or any of the holders. My interaction with them was also very limited in the 8 or so months I lived in Providence. If they were arrogant or inept at defending their space I can't say.

There is one thing that Rixx mentioned that was exactly my thoughts in those first days:
Why? Because there wasn't anything behind the curtain. CVA spent more effort on building stations in systems they couldn't defend than they did on building their fleet to defend it. They lined their pockets instead of lining the perimeter. They fiddled while Rome burned.
Where were they Titans? Where were the super-carriers? With 50+ stations between CVA and holders and no Sov wars in a long time, I was certain that they will show up in the field with an infinite number of super-capital and capitals. Not only that, but the fleet would be completely coordinated. These were pilots that knew each other for so many years and had complete control of these constellations! Then D-G happened.

Anyway, that is all in the past. If you still care about one more opinion about old-Providence head over to EVEOGANDA.

While in the subject... via Kugu I read a post about life in new-Providence. Stupid pilot says:
Fighting U'K in the daytime before we fleet up with them at night to come sort out SW Providence, we have plenty of fun, even-ish number fights, so that's some consolation.
That is the most retarded thing I've ever read. And to think that these people said the old-Providence was bad. For more of this fail click here.

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