Thursday, April 30, 2009

The start

After procrastinating for weeks, this blog is online. I wish I had started it earlier, but to be honest I wasn't sure if I was ready for EVE. It is not my first MMO, but my first sandbox MMO.

I still remember the first time I heard about EVE. A friend sent me this magazine article with an incredible story of how a spy from the GHSC corporation infiltrated some other corporation and stole not only tons of things but also killed the CEO. I've never heard of anything like that in any other game. It blew me away. I immediately researched this game, but the jargon, complexity, strange UI and free-for-all pvp (oh noes! my purplez) kept me from trying it. Later on I heard about it again when a post about the gfx changes made it to a FFXI community I was part on. Again caught my attention (this game is still growing and looking better than ever), but I was too busy at that time to get into a third MMO. So time went by.

Feb 09... I was burned from the theme-park MMOs, but kept visiting MMO related sites to see if there was anything in the horizon that was worth my time. During a visit to I read an article that claimed that BoB was no more. I followed that for a few days and again was blown away by the openness of the game. I also found out about the New Players Experience being introduced by CCP in Apocrypha and decided that this was the time.

I've been living in space for over a month now and its been amazing. It is definitely not for everyone. Even with the tutorials, rookie channel and official wiki a player has to do a lot of research to get going.... but I like it. Not only the game is great, but the community is incredible. Yes, there are trolls (is still the internet), but the amount of players that share their knowledge and experience can be seen thru the incredible number of Blogs, unofficial forums, unofficial wiki, and plenty of videos in youtube and evetube.

A final note... I'll be using this blog to share my experiences in this incredible universe. I don't think it will be as entertaining or informational as many of those listed in the blog list (side bar), but hopefully some can find something good here.

Fly safe and see you in space!

Dante Styx

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